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Getting Started

Getting Started:
Establishing Equitable Approaches
for Inclusive Wellness Practices

This course's content aligns with the NWI Wellness Promotion Competency Model and Six Dimensions of Wellness Model (see handouts below). The lesson includes knowledge checks or activities to enhance your learning. Although not graded, you may be required to complete some activities to move forward.

Learning Objectives
Following this course, you will be able to:
    • Understand elements of emotional intelligence.
    • Identify tools for assessment of personal bias.
    • Use evidence-based resources to identify personal biases.
    • Compare and contrast characteristics and/or uses of self-awareness and self-regulation practices.
    • Describe how self-regulation can be used to minimize the effects of personal biases.
    • Differentiate between equality and equity.
    • Provide a detailed example of how a professional can integrate emotional intelligence, cultural humility, and health equity strategies into wellness practice.
    • Explain how addressing systemic barriers can help move toward equity.
    • Define intersectionality.
    • List ways an individual’s privilege play a role in personal wellness.
    • Identify ways in which unconscious bias can negatively impact an individual’s wellness.
    • Explain the importance of sensitivity for various aspects of an individual’s identity as a wellness promotion professional.
    • Describe how principles of cultural humility and equity play a role in demonstrating compassion, integrity, and respect for diverse individuals and groups.

You must complete the full lesson and submit the Course Evaluation + CEC Request form within four weeks of registering to earn your continuing education credit certificate.