Creating Habits That Stick: Tools To Stack Habits and Activate Change | Susan Priest Richlak


Ready to change your habits to activate real change? Feeling stuck because your new habits never really stick? Then join us to harness the magic of neuroscience to create new habits by stacking them with existing, automated habits. Bring your audacious goals and learn the power of tiny stacked habits to achieve them. Enjoy the fun while we provide the support, inspiration, and your habit tracking toolkit—everything needed to activate rewarding change!

Following this session, participants will be able to:

  1. identify a new desired habit and an existing habit to stack together.
  2. outline strategies to overcome obstacles, track progress, create accountability, and complete actions by a target date.
  3. create a mantra/theme and determine a reward to encourage support for applying new tools.

NOTE: "Registration" for individual sessions is not required. Once onsite, you may attend any sessions on the day(s) for which you are registered.


  • Susan Priest Richlak

    On Purpose 86400 is a resource network that brings personal development workshops, advice and inspiration, helping others lead intentional lives all 86,400 seconds a day ~ thus the name! Our self-improvement events put a new twist on well-being, making personal development fun and inspiring so others make the time for the growth they want to achieve, but rarely take the time to develop.

July 20, 2023
Thu 10:30 AM EDT
Room 4, 3rd Floor Individual session registration NOT required

Duration 1H 0M

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