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A Natural Fit: Using Nature to Activate Health and Wellness | Mark Campbell


Throughout human history, cultures globally have turned to natural environments as a primary source of healthcare. A growing body of research continues to showcase how spending time in the natural world enhances all aspects of human health and well-being apects. This session draws from current research blended with the presenters’ unique education, experience, and collaborations to help attendees recognize how time in nature can activate a well lifestyle. Participants will determine strategies to integrate nature into their personal wellness routines and their professional practices to emulate the defintion of wellness by functioning optimally in their current environment.

Following this session, participants will be able to:

  1. explain how nature impacts the Six Dimensions of Wellness.
  2. identify ways to incorporate the benefits of nature into personal self-care.
  3. describe ways to utilize the natural world in health and wellness work.

NOTE: "Registration" for individual sessions is not required. Once onsite, you may attend any sessions on the day(s) for which you are registered.


  • Mark Campbell, PhD, CWP, CWWS, NBC-HWC

    Dr. Mark A. Campbell blends wellness, sports medicine, exercise science, and performance psychology to impact change across all areas of life. Mark shares his unique blend of holistic education, application, and experience with audiences worldwide. Mark has led performance and wellness-based programs for governments worldwide, professional sports organizations, universities, and corporations. He is a Senior Fellow at NWI, a board-certified health and wellness coach, and the owner/host of the Nature of Wellness podcast.

  • Stephen Otero, CWMF

    Steve Otero is a combat veteran of the US Air Force. He is a Certified Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator and National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) outdoor educator. Steve holds degrees in Exercise Science, Experimental Psychology, and Recreation and Outdoor Education. He serves as a Veteran Services and as part of the Federal Task Force on Outdoor Recreation for Veterans, investigating outdoor recreation's use for veterans' health and wellness.

July 20, 2023
Thu 1:00 PM EDT
Room 1, 3rd Floor Individual session registration NOT required

Duration 1H 0M

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