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Activating a Web of Support for Multidimensional Wellness | Kellie Straub


Wellness Activators are those things we can actively embrace to support our wellness while responding to both the positive and negative demands of life. They help us enhance wellness, manage stress, build perseverance, develop resilience, and inspire others to do the same.

Join fellow conference attendees in this interactive session to identify key Wellness Activators that impact not only your personal health and well-being, but also the well-being of the individuals and communities you support. By connecting individuals’ values and motivators to Wellness Activators, and the Activators to NWI’s Six Dimensions of Wellness, you will discover innovative and effective ways to build a web of support that promotes inclusive cultures of well-being for all. Conference attendees will collaborate to develop strategies for inspiring others to identify and utilize Wellness Activators to maintain and elevate personal wellness.

Following this session, participants will be able to:

  1. describe how Wellness Activators help support an individual’s wellness.
  2. explain how a Wellness Activator impacts at least one of the Six Dimensions of wellness.
  3. recognize the connection between a person’s values and their Wellness Activators.
  4. identify how Wellness Activators can support strategies for sustaining inclusive cultures of well-being.


  • Kellie Straub, MBA, CWP

    Kellie is Vice President of Growth & Innovation with the National Wellness Institute. Throughout her career, her focus has always been on helping others to live their best lives wherever the live, work, learn, play, and reflect.

July 20, 2023
Thu 3:30 PM EDT
Event Hall II 1st Floor

Duration 1H 30M

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