NWC 2023 Exhibitor: Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems (OWLS)

NWI expresses gratitude to ORGANIZATIONAL WELLNESS & LEARNING SYSTEMS (OWLS) for their support of NWC 2023!

Stop by Booth #8 with your "NWC ACTIVATE BINGO CARD" during open exhibitor hall hours to learn more about the programs and services they offer.

Company Description & Contact Information
Since 1990, Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems (OWLS) has been a science-based consulting and training service in the area of Integral Organizational Wellness™. The workplace—large or small—plays an important role in the well-being of working adults as well as their families.

Our purpose at OWLS is to help businesses understand, improve, and maintain the positive feedback system between worker health and total organizational health. All our work is based on scientific research and is customized to meet your unique set of needs, risks, and current level of wellness. We use a variety of tools to help, including: employee surveys, culture audits, workshops, coaching at all levels (worker to executive), team retreats, design of assessment or performance appraisal systems, and policy development. OWLS’ previous clients include organizations in these areas: federal and local governments, military, hospitality/hotel, healthcare, construction, police and 9-1-1, professional organizations, and higher education. Our president, Dr. Joel B. Bennett, is available for public speaking.

p: 817-921-4260
e: owls@organizationalwellness.com
w: https://organizationalwellness.com

Company Representatives
Joel Bennett | owls@organizationalwellness.com
p: 817-921-4260

Johanna Tanno | JTannoconsulting@gmail.com
p: 330-607-1454

Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/organizationalwellness?mibextid=ZbWKwL
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/organizational-wellness-and-learning-systems-owls-/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrgWellness