Exam Application: Due January 4, 2024

Please complete all pages of this application form. After you submit the form, the exam registration form will unlock for you to pay your CWP exam fee.

You must sign in to LearnWELL to complete the application and register for the exam by January 4, 2024.
If you do not have a current NWI membership or a free Guest account, please create or update your NWI account now.

Carefully review the CWP Exam Eligibility Requirements for full eligibility pathways and definitions of degree types before completing the application form.

If you are unsure if you are eligible and would like to receive verification prior to applying and registering, you may submit the optional Eligibility Verification Form. You must submit the optional form and pay the $25 non-refundable review fee no less than three weeks prior to the start of the exam period for which you are registering. The deadline to request eligibility verification for the January 2024 examination period is December 19, 2023.

Note: You may be contacted for additional information if the application form is missing required components. A random selection of applicants may also be audited, prior to or after, the exam and asked to submit documentation to support their eligibility. If it is deemed that you were ineligible, and additional documentation is not provided within 15 days of notification via email, you will not be able to sit for the exam or your certification will be revoked. In the case that ineligibility is determined, the exam fee minus the $50 non-refundable application fee will be refunded.