Cultivating a Wellness Presence: Projecting Well-Being to Clients and Employees | Stephanie Gularte


You've heard of "executive presence" but what is "wellness presence?" For wellness practitioners, projecting wellbeing plays a key role in our ability to positively influence and impact those we serve. In this session, participants will learn to match their inner wellness values with their outward projection of wellbeing, integrating mind and body awareness with physiological techniques used by professional stage actors to cultivate their personal wellness presence.

Following this session, participants will be able to:

  1. assess your current wellness presence.
  2. identify a clear intention for your ideal wellness presence.
  3. name simple techniques to align personal wellness values with outward facing communications and interactions.

NOTE: "Registration" for individual sessions is not required. Once onsite, you may attend any sessions on the day(s) for which you are registered.


  • Stephanie Gularte, MFA, CWP, CHC, CPT, MHFA

    Stephanie Gularte is Founder and CEO of The Energy Advantage, LLC, which provides dimensional leadership and well-being workshops and retreats to empower leaders and teams to transform the way they live, work, and play. She is a Certified Wellness Practitioner, Certified Health Coach, certified leadership coach, certified Energy Leadership Index x™ Master Practitioner, and a certified Mental Health First Aid provider. Stephanie’s mission is to positively change lives and transform businesses by helping leaders to develop a clarity of purpose, to practice and model well-being practices, and to cultivate workplace cultures of well-being.

August 27, 2024
Tue 11:00 AM CDT
In-person Individual session registration NOT required

Duration 1H 15M

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