Elevating Your Mental Health Movement: Best Practices Top Employers Leverage for Meaningful Impact | Mettie Spiess


The employee mental health crisis is the new frontier of workplace wellness risk, and it’s no secret that prioritizing mental health is crucial to talent retention. Still, many employers are struggling to effectively support employee mental health. In this session, award-winning mental health trainer and employer consultant Mettie Spiess will deliver best practice strategies that destination employers are using to make a measurable, meaningful difference in the lives of their employees and share the costly pitfalls to avoid. Whether your employee mental health initiatives need to be refreshed, reinvented or established for the first time, this session is for you! Attendees will walk away with actionable strategies, a reinvigorated commitment and resources.

Following this session, participants will be able to:

  1. discuss the employer mental health strategies that best support talent recruitment and retention.
  2. list costly pitfalls to avoid when investing in and rolling out workplace mental health programs.
  3. define practical steps an organization can take to protect employee mental health and reduce crisis risk.

NOTE: "Registration" for individual sessions is not required. Once onsite, you may attend any sessions on the day(s) for which you are registered.


  • Mettie Spiess, CWP, CPHSA

    Mettie Spiess is a global workplace mental health expert, five-time award-winning keynote speaker, and the founder of A World Without Suicide (AWWS) Training & Consulting. Dubbed the “stigma-crusher” by some of the world’s most influential organizations including Kohler, Syngenta, and the Department of Defense, Mettie Spiess is the expert to connect with if your goals include mentally resilient employees, stigma-free work environments, and psychologically safe leaders! As a trusted trainer to over 180 employers in 22 industries across 43 countries, Mettie has strategically designed effective, sustainable mental health safety programs for over a decade. Mettie received the Education Advancement Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the Giving the Best to our Nation Honor from the U.S. Army for her work to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness. Forbes, ABC’s 20/20, and HR Daily Advisor are among the trusted media outlets that feature Mettie’s innovative thought leadership.

August 28, 2024
Wed 11:00 AM CDT
In-person Individual session registration NOT required

Duration 1H 15M

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