Lifestyle Choices and Emotions: Affective Skills for Wellness and Health Promotion Practitioners | Michael Arloski


Lifestyle behavioral change is not simply a rational process. Emotions influence or sometimes completely determine the outcome of decisions we are confronted with every day. Discover how to help the people you serve to address the role their emotions are playing in lifestyle improvement. Engage in this largely experiential workshop to deepen your ability to work with emotions without crossing the line into therapy.

Following this sessions, participants will be able to:

  1. differentiate between emotions, feelings and behaviors related to lifestyle decision making.
  2. identify at least three ways to effectively coach with emotions.
  3. list at least three benefits of integrating working with emotions into work.

NOTE: "Registration" for individual sessions is not required. Once onsite, you may attend any sessions on the day(s) for which you are registered.


  • Michael Arloski, PhD, PCC, NBC-HWC

    A pioneering architect of the field of health and wellness coaching, Dr. Arloski’s life’s work and passion is creating allies for a healthy world. He and his company, Real Balance Global Wellness Services, Inc., have trained thousands of coaches around the globe. A psychologist with over twenty-five years of clinical work and professional contribution to the field of health and wellness promotion since 1978, he is a founding board member of the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching and is now a Board Member Emeritus. Dr. Arloski is the author of Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change, 2nd Ed., the foundational book of the field, and Masterful Health & Wellness Coaching: Deepening Your Craft. His leadership history includes being Past President of The Ohio Society for Behavioral Health & Biofeedback, The Colorado College Counselors Association, and President of the Board of Directors of the National Wellness Institute. An avid outdoorsman and thirty five-year practitioner of Tai Chi, he and his wife, Deborah, live, work, dance, and play in Northern Colorado.

August 29, 2024
Thu 9:00 AM CDT
In-person Individual session registration NOT required

Duration 1H 15M

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