Bridging the Gap: How Health Coaches and Organizational Consultants Can Unite to Prevent Burnout | Rachel Boehm


Imagine a future where employee well-being isn't just a perk, but a strategic advantage. This session is your roadmap, exploring how health coaches empowering personal well-being and business consultants crafting employee experience and business strategy can unite to drive true change in the workplace. Too often these two professions are isolated resulting in wellness washing, individual-only initiatives, or lofty goals that don’t leave the C-suite. To banish burnout, we have to empower the individual and create environments in which they and the business can thrive together. Join us for a groundbreaking session to learn how this powerful alliance can build thriving organizations, unlock peak performance, and redefine employee well-being.

Following this session, participants will be able to:

  1. compare the limitations of individual-only wellness interventions and the strengths of a multidisciplinary team for achieving sustained employee well-being and preventing burnout.
  2. discuss the individual and organizational influences on burnout.
  3. explain ROI metrics beyond healthcare costs and employee health outcomes, fostering a shift toward a more holistic understanding of what constitutes workplace wellness.

NOTE: "Registration" for individual sessions is not required. Once onsite, you may attend any sessions on the day(s) for which you are registered.


  • Rachel Boehm, NBC-HWC, PhD Candidate

    Rachel Boehm is an executive health coach and business psychologist who supports business leaders in burnout prevention and recovery for themselves or their organization. As a business psychologist, she works with businesses to implement employee wellness programs and leads workshops to increase employee retention, performance, engagement, and team morale. A strong advocate for continuing education, Rachel is currently a Ph.D. candidate focused on Industrial/Organizational Psychology and a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach. Rachel is an active member of the health and wellness community, earning a Certificate of Appreciation from the U.S. State Department’s Medical Bureau for seven consecutive years. She is a member of The Wellness Council of America, the National Wellness Institute, the National Board Association for Health and Wellness Coaches, The Society of Evidence-Based Organizational Consulting, the National Association of Women Business Owners, and the Arlington Chamber of Commerce.

August 29, 2024
Thu 10:30 AM CDT
In-person Individual session registration NOT required

Duration 1H 15M

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