CWP Eligibility Criteria

Carefully review the Exam Eligibility Pathway options below to determine your eligibility to sit for the CWP exam. To receive access to the online exam, all CWP candidates must complete an application after submitting their exam fee to provide information supporting their eligibility.

You may also request verification of eligibility prior to registering by submitting a separate CWP Eligibility Verification Form and $25 review fee by the 15th of the month prior to the start date of the CWP exam period for which you are registering. Note: This form is optional for most candidates; however, if your highest degree is a non-wellness-related Associate degree, high school diploma, or equivalent, you are required to provide evidence of five years’ professional wellness experience by submitting the CWP Eligibility Verification Form.

Download a PDF of the CWP Eligibility Pathway