Eligibility Verification Request Form (optional for most candidates)

Reminder: To guarantee notification prior to your examination registration deadline, you must submit the form no later than the 15th of the month prior to the exam period (i.e., before December 15, April 15, or August 15).

To prepare for submission of this form:
  • Carefully review the CWP Examination Eligibility Standards for all eligibility pathways and definitions of degree types.
  • Refer to the NWI Wellness Promotion Competency Model as you consider professional, academic, and continuing education activities to highlight.
Prepare the following files for upload (PDFs preferred), adhering to the naming conventions noted in parentheses:
  • Transcripts of highest applicable degree(s) showing all completed courses. Transcripts are not required for applicants whose highest degree earned is high school or equivalent. (lastname_transcript.pdf)
  • Resume/CV showcasing your relevant wellness-related work experience and continuing education activities with applicable dates. (lastname_resume.pdf)
  • Proof of relevant continuing education completed, certificates achieved, or certifications earned that further supports your wellness competence (lastname_CE1, lastname_CE2, etc.)

REMINDER! After paying the review fee, please RETURN TO THIS PAGE to this page to complete the Eligibility Request Form. If you do not have access to the form, ensure you are signed in and you have synced your purchases.

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