Live Webinar: Effective Practices for Group Health Coaching: Let's Get Healthy Together!

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Need CECs or proof of attendance?
If you attended the full live webinar, the Evaluation + CEC Request will unlock for you in LearnWELL within 15 minutes of the webinar closing. You will receive an email reminder.

To earn your continuing education credit certificate and provide valuable feedback, please log in to LearnWELL and complete the Webinar Evaluation + CEC Request Form by clicking on the name of the webinar within the "Catalog" tab of "My Activity." Completion of the form is required within five days of the live webinar to earn a certificate of completion indicating the number of continuing education credits you have earned.

Looking for the presentation handouts? Any available handouts are located under the "Resources" tab above for registrants to download.

Missed the live webinar or want to review the recording? Members may access the webinar recording for free in our Members-only On-demand Webinar Library (typically posted within 24 hours of the live webinar).

To receive CECs by watching recordings, Members (at no cost) and Guests (for a fee) can watch the recording and complete a short quiz when the on-demand webinar becomes available in the LearnWELL catalog. Registration for on-demand webinars typically opens 1 to 2 weeks after the live webinar. Note: Registering for the live webinar does not also register you for the on-demand webinar, and you may not earn a CEC for the live and on-demand versions of the same webinar.

Questions about the webinar content? Contact webinar presenters via LinkedIn: Trish Turo ( or Rose Burpo (

Registration, CEC, or Learning Platform Questions?
Contact our Online Learning Support team.


Effective Practices for Group Health Coaching: Let's Get Healthy Together!

Ready to join us?
You must log in to LearnWELL with your NWI account username to register for and join this live event. If you do not have a current NWI membership, create or update your NWI account now for FREE access to the webinar.

Looking for the presentation handouts?
A "Resources" tab will appear above when handouts are available for registrants to download (typically at least 24 hours before the live webinar).

Need CECs or proof of attendance?
After you attend the full LIVE webinar, the Evaluation + CEC Request form will unlock within the "course" within 15 minutes of the webinar closing. Please complete the form to provide valuable feedback. Completion of the form is required within 5 days of the live webinar to earn a certificate of completion indicating the number of continuing education credits you have earned.

Can't make the live webinar or wish to review the recording?
Members may access the webinar recording for free in our Members-only On-demand Webinar Library (typically posted within 24 hours of the live webinar; no CEC).

To receive CECs by watching recordings, Members (at no cost) and Guests (for a fee) can watch the recording and complete a short quiz when the on-demand webinar becomes available in the LearnWELL catalog. Registration for on-demand webinars typically opens 1 to 2 weeks after the live webinar. Note: Registering for the live webinar does not also register you for the on-demand webinar, and you may not earn a CEC for the live and on-demand versions of the same webinar.

Questions about the webinar content? Contact webinar presenters via LinkedIn: Trish Turo ( or Rose Burpo (

Registration, CEC, or Learning Platform Questions?
Contact our Online Learning Support team.

July 18, 2024
Thu 12:00 PM CDT

Duration 1H 0M

This live web event has ended.