Building Self-awareness & Multidimensional Wellness for Personal & Professional Growth

Building Self-awareness and Multidimensional Wellness
for Personal and Professional Growth

Course Description
Self-awareness is essential for effectively promoting multidimensional, multicultural wellness in yourself and others. This course employs reflective and interactive strategies and various forms of self-assessment to develop greater self-awareness and enhanced well-being. Knowing and caring for yourself leads to more supportive and influential relationships and more authentic role-modeling. Gain skills and resources to develop a plan for personal and professional growth.
Learning Objectives
Following his course, you will be able to:
    • Identify tools for self-reflection.
    • Assess areas for personal growth through a wellness framework.
    • Identify opportunities for professional development through a wellness framework.
    • List strategies for healthy lifestyle practices that enhance emotional, physical, social, spiritual, financial, occupational, and intellectual wellness.
    • Describe strategies for developing a wellness plan to set personal development goals.
Content Developer: Betsy Barrett, PhD, CWP
Guiding and supporting learners holistically has been front and center throughout Betsy’s 30-year career in higher education. She earned her BA in Physical Education from the College of Wooster, MS in Exercise Science from Miami University, and PhD in Kinesiology from the University of Minnesota. Her expertise ranges from exercise physiology, health behavior change, coaching, and nutrition to lifestyle medicine and healthcare. She has developed and taught multiple courses in the health and wellness field in both traditional settings and online. Most of her teaching has been with the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, and the UW Extended Campus, and more recently, Saybrook University. She also serves as a facilitator for the National Wellness Institute’s Worksite Wellness Specialist Certificate course.

This course was developed through a collaboration between
National Wellness Institute and Butler's Division of Professional Studies.